On the 26th of January was such really blessing day for me because I'm turning 23 years old. I'm so so happy because my friends gave such a surprise party at night while bring me a huge cake at my home, just like last year. Also many people congratulated me either directly or indirectly. But whatever it is, at least they all still remember the day of my birthday. I am very grateful that I could still celebrating my birthday with the people I love the most, with my friends, my family, and especially my parents and my only lil brother. Big hug for them!
So in this special day, I made such a special design. I have a lot of cake in my birthday, I mean in my nails. Haha. This is my first handmade after such a long time I hadn't made designs with my own hands. Kinda awkward, haha. But I still love the result. Here my birthday nails! Prepare yourself because I'm going to spam a lot of pictures today!