Hi lovelies, have you experienced all the pictures in your blog disappeared instantly when you changed your blog's templates in to something new? I just experienced it. I dunno how it started, but all my nails pictures were gone completely when I tried to changed my blog's template. My goodness! I had to re-upload all the pictures which were missing in all my post. Can you imagine how exhausting it is?! Ugh, I feel like my soul also missing when I saw all my pictures were gone! But now I've fixed it. And it was really tiring. As the final, I use this cute template for my blog bcuz it looks so girly! Hope you like the new look of my blog. Haha..
So for today, I've such a simple but cute manicure to show. I've made a similar design before, but here I am using the color pink which is sweeter and brighter. Here they'r, my pink flower manicure!